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Sideshow - Premium format - Catwoman

Sideshow - Premium format - CatwomanSideshow - Premium format - CatwomanSideshow - Premium format - CatwomanSideshow - Premium format - Catwoman
Sideshow - Premium format - CatwomanSideshow - Premium format - CatwomanSideshow - Premium format - CatwomanSideshow - Premium format - Catwoman
  • Pris pr. 1 stk,7.500,00DKK
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Varenr.: 300249
“No one gets more applause than Catwoman!”
While many have played the iconic villain Catwoman, Julie Newmar’s take on the prrrr-ecocious cat burglar was the first to ever grace a screen and will always be one of our favorites.
  • Mærke
  • Serie
    DC Comics
  • Antal udgivet
  • Skala
    Premium format
  • Størrelse
    Højde: 51 cm
    Bredde: 23 cm
    Dybde: 23 cm
  • Materiale
  • Stand
    Uåbnet i original emballage
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